Resistors, Resistor Arrays, Trimmer Pots (preset), Potentiometers, . .
Please do not order values that are not listed |
0Ω, 1Ω, 10Ω, 100Ω, 1K, 10K, 100K, 1M, 10M |
2K, 200K | 390Ω, 3K9, 39K, 390K | 6Ω8, 68Ω, 680Ω, 6K8, 68K, 680K | ||
1K2, 12K, 120K, 1M2 | 2Ω2, 22Ω, 220Ω, 2K2, 22K, 220K, 2M2 | 360K | 750Ω, 750K | ||
15Ω, 150Ω, 1K5, 15K, 150K, 1M5 | 27Ω, 270Ω, 2K7, 27K, 270K | 4Ω7, 47Ω, 470Ω, 4K7, 47K, 470K, 4M7 | 82Ω, 8K2, 82K, 820K | ||
18Ω, 180Ω, 1K8,
18K, 180K, 1M8 |
3Ω3, 33Ω, 330Ω,3K3, 33K, 330K, 3M3 | 56Ω, 560Ω, 5K6, 56K, 560K, 5M6 | 910Ω, 9K1, 91K, 910K | ||
(Note : Examples: 3Ω3 = 3.3Ω, 4K7 = 4.7K, 2M2 = 2.2M, .... & so on) |
/ pc
( Min. 10 pcs / value )
0.1 Ω, 7W |
10 Ω, 2W |
4.7 Ω, 5W |
0.22 Ω, 5W |
22 Ω, 5W |
47 Ω, 3W |
0.33 Ω, 5W |
27 Ω, 5W |
0.47 Ω, 5W |
(Trimmer pot)
& Potentiometers
(please do not order values that
are not listed) Code/value examples : 102 =1K, 222=2.2K, 103=10K, 224=220K, 105=1M |
100Ω or 100K RM 0.35 |
Aluminium Knob |
Resistor Arrays
Plastic knobs
Plastic Knob |