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OPERATION : This counter counts
(up) from 0 ~ 9999. When the count exceeds 9999, the counter rolls over to 0000
start a new counting cycle. The displayed number increases by 1 when S1 is
depressed or when a high to low transition at
pin 6 is detected. (such as the output of photo switch, proximity switch,...).
SWITCH DE-BOUNCING : Common push button switch has an inherent "contact
bouncing" problem which may cause the
counter to increment more than once when the button is pressed. . The counter's
software takes care of this problem so that
most commonly available switches can be used. To further reduce the chance of
miscount due to multiple pulses, micro
switch is strongly recommended .
S1 (INC, increment ) : The counter reading is incremented by one each
time S1 is pressed & released.
S2 (RST, reset & segment test) : The counter reading is reset to 0 when
this button is pressed.
If the button is pressed & held down for over 0.5 second, a blinking 8888 is
displayed for testing the segments.
LEADING ZERO BLANKING : In the first counting cycle, leading zeros are
suppressed. Example: pressing S1 3 times
display will show "<b> <b> <b> 3" . In the subsequent cycles, leading zeros are
visible. Count "3" will be shown as "0003".
The leading zeros serve as an indication that there was an overflow in the first
MAX COUNTING SPEED : The number of counts/second should be limited to
within 10 per second.
Applications : Object counter for production line, ....
PIC 16C54 datasheet
H11A1 (MCT2E) datasheet