(Apr 2023)
    12 Melody Door Chime with blinking LEDs  (DC 3V)

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Operation :

* Press the tact switch (S1), the circuit will randomly play one of the 12 melodies and stops when the song is finished
* Press S1 again the circuit will play the next song on the song list
* LEDs flicker when the song plays


* Tekan suis kebijaksanaan (S1), litar akan memainkan secara rawak salah satu daripada 12 melodi dan berhenti apabila lagu selesai
* Tekan S1 sekali lagi litar akan memainkan lagu seterusnya pada senarai lagu
* LED berkelip apabila lagu dimainkan

 Song List
1 -- Hush, Little Baby
2 -- Down The Mountain Side We Go
3 -- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
4 -- Home On The Range
5 -- The Fireman
6 -- Spring Is Coming
 7 -- Clementine
 8 -- Did You Ever See A Lassie
 9 -- Rock-A-Bye Baby
10 -- Three Blind Mice
11 -- The Farmer In The Dell
12 -- Bingo