ES-46       Temperature Controlled Relay / HeatAlarm 
(DC 9V)

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In this project we use a NTC thermistor to detect temperature change & switch a relay On/Off according to a preset condition. NTC thermistor is a temperature dependent resistor with Negative Temperature Coefficient meaning its resistance changes inversely with temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower its resistance. A sample randomly selected from a batch of MF52E thermistors gives the following characteristic chart

NOTE: the LED serves as an indicator for the relay's activity. The LED turns on when the relay is actuated. It is otherwise off

To test the operation of the circuit, please follow these steps:

(1) Connect the ciruit to a stable DC 9V supply. Or you can temporarily use a 9V battery for testing purpose

(2) At this moment, the LED should be on. If not, then adjust the preset (trim pot) VR1 in anti-clockwise until the LED comes on

(3) Next, very slowly, turn the preset VR1 in the clockwise direction until the LED just turns OFF. This is the trim pot setting corresponding to the current ambient temperature

(4) Now, let the thermistor sense a temperature rise by placing something hot near the thermistor (eg. a soldering iron, the flame of a lighter,..). The LED should turn on instantly (relay actuated). Remove the heat source and wait a minute or so and LED will be off again

NOTA:   LED berfungsi sebagai penunjuk untuk aktiviti geganti. LED menyala apabila geganti digerakkan.
Ia sebaliknya dimatikan

Untuk menguji pengendalian litar, sila ikuti langkah berikut:

(1) Sambungkan ciruit kepada bekalan DC 9V yang stabil. Atau anda boleh menggunakan bateri 9V buat sementara waktu untuk tujuan ujian

(2) Pada masa ini, LED harus dihidupkan. Jika tidak, kemudian laraskan pratetap (periuk trim) VR1 dalam lawan jam sehingga LED menyala

(3) Seterusnya, perlahan-lahan, putar pratetap VR1 mengikut arah jam sehingga LED hanya dimatikan Ini ialah tetapan periuk trim sepadan dengan suhu ambien semasa

(4) Sekarang, biarkan termistor merasakan kenaikan suhu dengan meletakkan sesuatu yang panas berhampiran termistor (cth. besi pematerian, nyalaan pemetik api,..). LED harus dihidupkan serta-merta (geganti digerakkan). Keluarkan sumber haba dan tunggu sebentar atau lebih dan LED akan dimatikan
